tiArA is Back?

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Long time no see..hemuhemu,
Dah lama tak update my blog nh kan?
Kalau Ms. Elliza tau..huhu, she’ll be so disappointed esp bila I decided to campur2 my language bila tules post nh..
How am I going to start?
Since the end of the first semester lagi I’m not updating my blog..busy sangat ke bila dah masuk sem dua nh????
Busy ke?
Yes, it’s true! Busy gila sampaikan bukan sahaja nk update blog..masa untuk diri sendiri pon macam dah takde..ececeh, adala tp tak banyak..so limited!
Definitely I like to blog, to tell what’s happening around me, to share any experiences which I learn a lot..something like that..something that I consider more personal..
Before I start blogging last semester, I do have one journal..I love to write..I love to express my feelings in many ways..I have the story and I want to portrait it as some kind of memories that would not fade..I love myself!
Walaubagaimanapun, huhu..penanda wacana tu..kui3, journal tu pun tak update selepas sahaja berakhirnya orientation week masa nak mula2 buat foundation kat UNITEN nh…
Everything’s going very fine..
Lots of things I experienced last semester especially how to lead a life in a very hectic routine in a university, of course..I’m not a mahasiswi yet..but, soon-to-be..insyaALLAH, so..foundation here seems help me a lot then..
Tapi, tu cerita masa sem satu..sekarang ni nak cita masa sem dua..prior to that, I would like to say..sem dua sem air mata!
It’s to soon to make a conclusion kan?
But, it’s absolutely right that my second semester has pressured me with many kind of things..so many..yet, I’m still here..bersyukur dengan apa yang berlaku!
Apa yang berlaku tu kadang2 boleh mematangkan kita dan banyak mengajar kita erti kehidupan yang sebenar..masa remaja nh la, masa yang paling sukar dalam hidup..time ni la darah kita masih muda..mulalah nak cuba sesuatu yang baru(kalau boleh semua benda nk cuba)..masa ni tengah kuat lagi..pantas berfikir..lots of energy..dan yang paling penting, masa inilah..kawan2 sangat mempengaruhi kita..so, pandai2 la pilih kawan..kalau kawan kita ke arah yang positif..positif la kita..tp, kalau kawan2 kita ke arah yang negatif..negatif la kita..
Dah panjang gila opening ni..actually apa yang berlaku masa sem dua nh ek?
I would tell in the next post!
By the way, I’m sorry sebab lambat nk active balik dalam kerja2 memblogging nih..sorry sebab baca banyak gila blog kawan2 dan bagi komen tapi kawan2 tak dapat baca blog kita, give comments and etcetera..I’m truly sorry!
So, see you soon!