tagged by miss gorgeous queen Y :)

7:04 AM Edit This 10 Comments »
dia’ dalam tag kali ini boleh jadi sesiapa sahaja yang anda ingin perkatakan.

tiArA pilih : Nur Azan Joned
1. Apakah hubungan awak dan dia?
it's kind of complicated :P

2. 5 impression terhadap dia
kind, good listener, hardworking, contra-side of mine, loving

3. Perkara yang paling memorable yang dia lakukan kat awak
past: x pernah miss hantar saya pulang ke kpg halaman walaupun hanya hantar di stesen pudu raya saja..hahaha,
present: terkejut + happy gila dpt unexpected bouquet of roses once I reach University of Canterbury(eventhough he's in MIchigan, USA)

4. Perkara paling memorable yang dia kata pada awak?
You are my inspiration..

5. Kalau dia kekasih awak..
he is!

6. Kalau dia jadi musuh awak.
i dont think so~

7. Kalau dia kekasih awak. awak akan: LOVEs him forever~

8. Kalau dia jadi musuh awak... mungkin kerana:
I hurt him. I lied to him. I'm not being honest. I'm flirting. I left him. enough.
*choi choi choi

9. Overall impression tentang dia:

10. The most desirable thing to do to her/him: Get married and have a beautiful family with him :P

11. Apakah awak rasa tentang pandangan orang terhadap awak?
err..how come I know what people's point of view about me? but I do think I'm kind of person who loves friendship soooo much that I cannot live WITHOUT them.

12. The character of you for yourself?
always do things that I dont regret it!

13. On contrary, the character you hate about you
when I'm trying to prove I'm right while it's NOT!

14. The most ideal person you want to be with: my nucleus family~ how much I miss them :'(

15. For people who like you.. tell something about them: I like you too! I love you too! and I miss you all(esp to awesome peoples out there who are not with me right now).
I wish you all the best
and May ALLAH bless you all always~

16. Ten people you tag:
syazana zarar
princess azie
reen adika
niazurul syazwan
fika auckland
and the last person is..YOU!

17. No.2 ada hubungan dengan siapa?
xde sape kot. xde kan tqah??

18. Is no.3 female or male?
female. and I miss her badly,

19. If no.7 and 10 have a relationship..
I dont think so :P

20. Macam mana dengan no.5 dengan no.8?
khalil ngn fika?? they are so close together~ that's all I can say!

21. No. 4 single kah?
tidak. apek nak cmpak mana kan??

22. No.1 belajar apa?
he's taking mechanical engineering in MIchigan State UNi, USA

23. Say sumthing about no.9: sungguh kechik, smart, talented, fantastic, my sweet ever ex-dorm mate!!!


bukan azan said...

he must be so flattered..

untung gler lah si azan tu..

mesti gembira abes die tu..

Cikgu Garang said...

azan buat camtu mase ko smpi nz????so shweeetttt!!!!!and fyi im still single oke...kalau ade pape jgn risau aku inform ko pyer!!!

K said...

wa~~ ssh gak ni nk buat hahaha.
need to find somone yg best

pae_kecik said...

why must u tag me? ish2x...hahah, owh ur sweet bf tuh kt michigan ek? michigan state ke? i'm planning to enroll there for fall next year, but not sure yet...^_^ but, he is so sweet la. die anta roses kt ko,

Azira Y said...

syhh ape sebut2 apek ni. malu ai :")

woahh azan hantar roses???
pergh romantik jugak eh azan nih
haha ;p

tiArA EmiLY said...

asal sume org komen pasla bunga tu
fine la
azan mmg sweet

to bukan azan: hello, obviously YOU ARE Azan!

to atiqahchan: WAJIB gtaw aku dulu!

to khalil:ye2 sila buat ;)

to pae: hehe..g la apply situ

to Azie: alaa U nh, malu2 plak ngn I..hikhik..Azan romantik ke? gagaga..
buleh la :P

Ammar Faris said...

yup, i was shocked about the roses...

hehe...lucky for you to have a sweeeet and caring guy like azan... yup his definitely perfect for you....

so korang, biler nk kawin???haha....dirikan rumah tangga???

jgn lupa ajk ak tau gi kenduri tuh...

tiArA EmiLY said...

to Ammar,
shocked ke? aiyak..sunggoh unexpected kan kawn mu itu
pe kawen2 nh
blaja dulu
masa depan pon tak terjamen g
xleh kot nk pk pasal
kawen2 bagai
tp kalau jd
aku kirim special invitation
haha :))

Ammar Faris said...

oh so nk kawen lepas belajar lah ni...lagipun korang long distance relationship kan...

sgt2 kagum boleh mekar bak bunga di kala kedinginan pagi di taman2 yg segar.....

ok2...ak tunggu invitation tuh....


bapak mertua bukan azan.. said...

emh.. kawin?.. plan awl2 yer..
moga2 di perkenankan..
yang penting, usaha diwaktu skrg, dlm plajaran atau ape pun, yg menentukan future masing2...

moga dipermudahkan Allah.. amin..