12 more days to GO...

11:31 PM Posted In Edit This 8 Comments »
Every morning I wake up and count the days
from today, looks like my time here in malaysia
is running out~
Each day, I enjoy the precious moments with my
beloved family.
  • have a great great special treat meal every single day with my mom's cooking
  • have my mom's hug every night
  • have my dad and the whole family to eat 'tomyam' and 'sup lidah' together
  • have facial treatment with mom
  • shopping with mom, sister, and lovely shopping-mate aunties
  • have kopitiam and girls' day outing with hogryslywarts and aqeela
  • balik kampung to look after my paternal grandfather..get well soon!!!
  • enjoy bullying my little sister, Nadirah
  • enjoy screaming like hell after my sister and brother bullied me back..haha
  • watching marathon movies~
  • enjoy being sleeping beauty for a while..gagaga
  • etcetera..etcetera..etcetera

I'm going to miss all of this after flying to New Zealand soon :(

I end this post with my brand-new-hot Bonia watch picts.. :)

first time got this kind of special-unique watch box

unexpected watch list-Bonia, i'm hoping for Fossil though :*

FlyHigh OZNZ 2009

10:57 PM Edit This 4 Comments »
Nota kaki:

  • Orang yang paling berguna ialah orang yang berguna kepada orang lain. hadith nabi SAW.
  • Sesungguhnya orang yang paling baik untuk engkau berikan kerja ialah orang yang kuat lagi amanah. surah al-qasas:26.
  • "...kamu belum benar2 beriman sehinggalah kamu persoalkan iman yang ada pada diri kamu itu!". abu hasan al-asy'ari.
  • bawa islam WARISAN kepada islam PILIHAN.
  • REALITI sentiasa mengalahkan ILLUSi.
  • Syariatullah vs Sunnatullah
  • Syariatik vs Saintifik

Sesi perkongsian pengalaman bersama Bro/Sis Canter dan Otago:

  • Time Management.rancang masa sebagai pelajar, anak, dan sahabat. hubungan rapat dengan keluarga paling penting.buat to-do-list dan study planner.waktu solat sentiasa berubah ubah oleh itu, pandai2 la disiplinkan masa solat. kalau nak kerja jgn ganggu waktu yang produktif atau efektif utk study.
  • Spiritual.solat mesti on-time.biasakan solat jemaah.amalan2 sunat untuk masuk rumah baru ialah seperti bacaan surah al-baqarah, sentiasa beri salam, surah al-kahfi.pilih kawan yg boleh menegur kita di kala kita leka dan asyik membuat kesalahan dan kawan yang boleh ditegur jika mereka melakukan kesalahan. kena sentiasa berjaga-jaga esp tentang akidah.
  • Social Management. hati2 girl and boy relationship!
  • Knowledge Management.jangan selalu ponteng kelas even xde org nk pantau pergerakan kte.lecturer usually international so mereka akan faham kondisi kita then jgn takut2 jmpe lecturer.banyak alat bantu belajar yg canggih2 akan menyebabkan kita malas, bertangguh dan buat study last minute oleh itu anda kena sentiasa beringat.
  • Experience Management. melancong sebagai salah satu aktiviti yg agak wajib juga selaen dari belajar. plus, working experience.pengalaman tengok snow dengan perasaan jakun first time.
  • Financial Management.rancang keperluan dan kehendak. nanti buat dua akaun, satu akaun utk scholarship masuk dan satu akaun lagi untuk simpanan.
  • Personal Health.check gigi and wat scalling siap2 kat msia cuz kat NZ sangatla mahalnye.check mata and buat spec siap2 sebab kat sana pon mahal. adapt ngn unpredictable weather kat sna.jogging utk kurus! jaga mental health dgn kurangkan stress.

Being a MUSLIM in a Foreign Land:

  • amalkan dan fahami surah al-kahfi.
  • motivasikan diri untuk datang ke kelas.
  • jaga sensitiviti pergaulan
  • kena sentiasa bersiap sedia esp bila berhadapan cabaran makanan halal, ibadah, dan belajar etc.
  • mesti ada prinsip dan jati diri
  • kena tunjukkan diri terbuka (esp. kepada org yg bukan ISLAM)
  • integriti: cakap serupa bikin.
  • punctuality masa important
  • everything has its price and consequences~

Fiqh Musafir:

  • niat menghasilkan kekuatan dan keyakinan
  • orang yang letak masalah kepada org lain, org itu sebenarnya dijajah.
  • kalau ada rasa 'something wrong' dlm diri kembalilah ke tempat asal, dekatkan diri dengan Allah SWT. kepadaNYAlah tempat kte kembali.
  • Allah SWT xkan memandang kerja yang tidak bersungguh-sungguh
  • jauhi dosa kerana dosa mendatangkan kemurkaan Allah SWT
  • jgn pandang remeh tentang 'benda'2 kecil
  • hati2 ttg dosa terhadap ibu bapa!

Apabila bertemu dengan perpisahan,

jangan ucapkan selamat tinggal,

tapi ucapkan semoga berjumpa lagi,

Jika bukan di sini,

di syurga nanti. InsyaALLAH~

harap perkongsian ini mendatangkan manfaat kepada semua.

11:26 PM Edit This 2 Comments »
Missing someone isn't about how long it's been since you’ve seen them last,
or the amount of time since you've talked.
It's about that very moment when you're doing something,
and you wish that they were right there with you.

dedicated to someone in michigan state university,
n thnx to rje~


10:40 PM Edit This 2 Comments »


i've got some sleeping disorder.

or insomnia~

Insomnia is the perception or complaint of inadequate or poor-quality sleep because of difficulty falling asleep, difficulty maintaining sleep, or waking too early in the morning. These result in the feeling that sleep is not restorative and often are associated with impaired function during the day.



i cant figure out y i have this such horrible sleeping problem

so i googled some websites about insomnia and i found this:

>Stress-related factors – significant personal events, such as losing a job, marital problems, stress and generaly worrying.
>Uncomfortable sleeping environment (too much light or noise, uncomfortable temperature).
>Unusual sleeping environment (e.g., a hotel room).
>Changes in the daily rhythm, such as a change in work shift or jet lag.
>Acute medical illness or their treatments.

it makes sense though,

how to prevent insomnia?

1.Develop a regular sleeping schedule. Avoid daytime naps and stimulating activities just before bedtime. huhu, patutla..aku slalu tdo petang2
2.Avoid stimulating drugs, such as caffeine and nicotine, particularly before going to bed. minum kopi radix malam utk avoid lapar, aiseyh
3.Exercise during the day (but not in the late evening).
4.Avoid alcohol- it is a leading cause of poor sleep.
5.Minimize light and noise when trying to sleep..
6.Maintain a comfortable bedroom temperature.
7.Avoid heavy meals before bedtime. If hungry, eat a light carbohydrate snack.
8.Take medications that may be stimulating, or those that may cause you to wake up to urinate long before bedtime.
9.Increase exposure to sunlight in the morning, and avoid it later in the afternoon (5-6 PM).

so, conclusion is..

better take this matter seriously!

never say GOODBYE~

11:30 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

lihat gmbar insan yg bertudung putih itu
post ini khas untuk dia
sahabat di kala susah dan senang
well my dear bestfriend,
i wish you all the best
and best of luck
in germany
hope to see you very very soon
especially on the next sleepover party
we'll dig out our time capsule
together means with all the members~
i'll be missing you so much
and will never forget you
this i promise you~
Ruet Dnishpiref Si Veren Renese
have a safe flight
and 2009 gives you a lot of great great things that you wish for
last but not least,
study smart
i know you can do it
keep in touch fadh
i love you,

visa oh visa

8:55 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Ya Allah,

i need to get my visa approve by now
few of my friends
their visa
has already been approved

1:26 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
1.Tuliskan 10 perkara tentang orang yang TAG kamu

sorry ye sapura, aku dah jawab soalan ini!

2.Masukkan emo yang kamu suka

next question? huhu

3.Senaraikan novel kegemaran kamu

harry potter, twilight, new moon, eclipse, breaking dawn (nh belom baca tp sure akan suke punye), where rainbows end, ps i love you, shopaholicss, novel melayu pon banyak aku ske..

4.Senaraikan 5 bnde yang kamu sayang

laptop baru saya!
Xpress Music saya!
discman lama yang dah lama x gne~
sume VCD2 korea, jepun, indon, CHARMED(kesemua 8 season), dll
rantai dan bracelet pemberian ibu dan ayah terchinta

5.Tag 7 orang dgn link blognya.
sesape yg rasa nk buat~

!!sesi muhasabah!!

1:22 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
1. Apabila berjumpa kanak2, anggaplah mereka lebih mulia daripada kita kerana kanak2 belum dibebani dosa.

2. Apabila berhadapan dengan orang tua pula, anggaplah mereka juga lebih mulia kerana mereka lebih lama beribadah daripada kita.

3. Apabila berjumpa orang alim, anggaplah dia lebih mulia kerana banyaknya ilmu di dadanya.

4. Apabila melihat orang jahil anggaplah mereka lebih mulia kerana berbuat dosa kerana kejahilan sedangkan kita dosa dalam keadaan mengetahuinya.

5. Apabila berjumpa orang jahat, jangan anggap kita mulia. Tetapi, katakan, mungkin orang jahat itu akan bertaubat pada masa tuanya, sedangkan kita belum tahu bagaimana akhirnya kehidupan kita.

6. Apabila bertemu orang kafir katakan, belum tentu dia akan kafir selama-lamanya.

3:17 PM Edit This 3 Comments »
1. Who tagged you?

2.Do you like tags?
kind of. kalau xde org nk tag rasanye aku malas nk update blog

3. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
to become a very good teacher or speech and language therapist

4. What is your current mood?
happy sebab idup senang lenang xyah pk pasal study..huhu

5. What will you do if your crush says he/she adores you too?
wahaa..aku teros pengsan

6. Will you fall in love with your bestfriend?
bestfriend aku sume girls lol, n i love them so much!

7. Which will you prefer, loving someone or being loved by someone?
being loved by someone!

8. Who are you really missing right now???
sila baca post sebelum ini

9. If the person you dislike is right in front of you, what will you do?
sy buat bodoh je..bleh x?

10. What do you pray each day for your loved ones?
kebahagiaan dan kejayaan di dunia mahupun di akhirat, dan berharap mereka akan sentiasa di sisi saya selamanye~

11. What takes you down the fastest?
when someone i trust @ close to back stab me or hurt me in any way....(amek jawapan ijat..huhu, sori ye)

12. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
i'm a teacher / therapist
i'm a wife
i'm a mother
and i'm happy with my life and whatever i've own

13. What is the reason that could make you so tensed up?
bila de perselisihan faham dengan orang2 tersayang
bila de peperiksaan atau kuiz atau test
bila diri terasa jauh dari tuhan
bila selera makan naek secara mendadak(terutama bila duk kat kampung)
bila barang2 ku hilang

14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
ijat atau izzatul nadzirah ismail : pandai, smart, berpandangan jauh, baek sangat, x selfish, kadang2 gila sket and selalu buli aku~ overall, she's such a great person with a big heart!

15. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
single but rich. duit itu penting.ekonomi yang kukuh itu mesti!

16. Would you sacrifice for your loved ones?
absolutely! without them, i'm nobody..

17. What's the character must have in your partner?
hoho..baca dalam post2 sebelum ini~

18. If you fall in love with two people simultaneusly, who would you like to pick?
ntahla ek, depends on that particular situation

19. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing that someone has done to u?
also, depends~

20.Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
now? no idea~ it's complicated

21. who is your hero?
my dad, mom, and all BFFs

22. Who are the 5 person that you would like to tag?