My Eid Experience...

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Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

First of all, I am pleased to wish you a very happy eid mubarak for the year 2007!!! I am really hoping that everyone has enjoyed the Hari Raya with all the happiness and blessing from the Almighty. To not let the chance slip by..I want to seek some forgiveness if I had made any mistake to you..' Maaf Zahir dan Batin'...

So, on this special day..I have been asked to share my eid experience..For me, its kind of 'blur'..that I dont have any idea what to share or what to write? I can feel a thought bubble coming out from my head: " I'm experiencing just an ordinary eid mubarak..I mean..there's nothing special to write about..I think so..I just dont even know how to am I going to create such an interesting post.. to completing my task. I am so blurred."

Eventually, I just made up my mind..I just can share the real eid experience..and you judge it wether its dull, typical, boring, or what so ever..hehe..

Every year, I celebrate my raya at my grandparents house..for this year 2007..its my mom's turn to celebrate first day Raya at her beloved hometown, Gelang Patah, Johor, we turned up on the 30 Ramadhan 1428H.

My mom got 10 siblings (including her) when every family turned up..there were so many of them gathering in one house..and it was so happening! My cousins turn out to be more mature..some of them getting taller..some of them getting so thin and fit..they are different now..huhu..And everybody was working together preparing for the raya celebration..the 'mak2' were preparing for the scrumptious food while the 'bapak2' were helping setting the house..and last but not least, the 'anak2' were actually playing around..making the cheerful environment.

Then, on the special day itself..I ( 13 October 2007)..first thing in the morning..after taking breakfast, the men were going to the mosque to perform Raya prayer..and the ladies were preparing themselves (ladies always need more time for make-up and stuff like that)..they also busy cleaning the house and getting ready for the next session (usually after the men came back from the mosque, we will be having the forgive and forget session).

So, at about 9 am..everybody was ready and let the ball's usual..there's cry and etcetera...hehe..after that, we were having a photo session where everyone is wainting for and get excited over it..After that, we were visiting our relatives from house to house..

At night, we were having some barbecue as the raya food (ketupat, lepat, sambal kacang, rendang and etcetera) were actually finished..hehe..and tomorrow, the second day of family will celebrate raya at my father's hometown which located in Muar.

As conclusion, its kind of ordinary things happen during raya but somehow, it is a must and every year everyone (each of the family) is over excited when the eid mubarak is coming..the family bonding is something that we cant count because it was so, appreciate each time that the Almighty has given to us!!!